Labels:audio cd | ball | bulletin board | car | cd rom | earth | house | person | windowpane OCR: 02732 INSTALLATION: If this CD does not autoloaa Publist ec green street Software Ltd click on START, and choose RUN. All Rights Re served Copyright 2004 letter your CD -ROM drive) Follow green on -screen Enter of instructions Xisetup. to .exe (where X is installation the ww Ives MICROSOFT street Carmbridgeshire, greenstreetsoftware. WINDOWS Software Ltd PE27 XP/Me/98/95 P.O 4YR com Box UK 62 COMPATIBLE complete is a face registered trademark greenstreet Software Limited. factory greenstreet@ Windows TMiS trademark of Microsoft Corporation The software program and content contained in this product green street Software Limited 1997 -2002 All rights reserved autoload Published Xsetup greens